The Terms and Conditions were last updated on 5th April 2023. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING OUR SERVICE.
Registering with Association of Indian Entrepreneurs means you pay ₹499/ annual membership donation. After that you will be our member for 12 months.
You will get online services such as – Problem solution, Finance syndication, Job sourcing, Mentor identification and Business opportunities linkages.
However, you need to support us with right and proper details and resources. Our responsibility ends in only coordination and attempt to find solutions to your needs. However , we do not undertake or guarantee any finite solutions to the issues raised by you in our website or Mobile Application. Any dealing with other respondents is purely at your own risk and responsibility. AIE doesn’t own any responsibility towards any cheating or misinformation or misuse by any other member or user of our website. Ours is purely a voluntary, not for profit initiative. You are willingly taking part in this mission with your donation for sustenance of this mission.
In Association of Indian Entrepreneurs , the information’s and documents you provide for membership registration or the phone number or email id you provide are kept confidential and only for networking purpose between the members of Association of Indian Entrepreneurs. Your profile as a member is set by you for others view and therefore, we have no control over the information’s you provide as we do not take any confidential inputs from you other than what is visibly available.
The Association of Indian Entrepreneurs purely operates on Not-for-profit purpose and all payments given to AIE are considered as Donation and are exempted from any GST. The amount taken is only to cover any administration expenses and over heads in providing our best of services to you. There will be no refund or cancellation return on the donations made by you. You may choose to withdraw your membership or cancel your membership. However the donation paid shall be retained by Association of Indian Entrepreneurs